i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?
Anybody encounter problems with it?
I can't seem to post my replies. ):
Sooooo, I'll reply here:
Sarah: Wow! So cool! Are you like their in-house MUA now?
Hahahas, yeah it's sang by me and my boyf!
Passerby: around 2 months plus! (:
SillyP: Hahahas, that's good!
ShuFen: hahahahs omg, if my feet so ugly
i wanna bang the wall already!
Hahahahs! I was out the whoooole day
on that earth hour thingy day!
Hahahahs, why you so funny! vanilla pudding
lol, how come never harden!!!
Rys: thank you sweetie! (:
Xueli: hahahs, good good must try!
Erica: hahahs, no luh, not everyweek,
i only bake when i have the "feel"! Hahahas
Merrychar: google translate
V: hahahs, thank you sweetie!
Stranger: hahas, if you pile on layers and layers of
foundation of course will be thick! So don't put too much luh! (:
Passerby: I think i got it at around 350?
Elisha: you can get it at any Ettusais counters!
Ain: Hahahahs, no luh, where got fierce!
Hahahas, i'm like the total opposite of fierce,
i think cos i just walked into wisma and i was feeling super hot
and my makeup all melting and stuff so i was super annoyed!
Hahahas say hello next time uh! :D
Yx: Hahahs, my hair stylist want me to keep it longer so
he can change a look for me :x But it's sooooooo warm~~~
Weiling: you can get it at the plaza singapura john little,
nails section, erm i've no idea how long it it, lol
i'm not so free to go and measure it lor!
Passerby: You mean eyelash extensions?
About 2 months?
Feral: Hahahas, yah i get that ALOT!
Blogger: Yes she is! (:
Hello: Lol, why do you care? I don't even know you. lol
Sandy: Hahahahah!! You're so funny!
Zoe: Lol, yeah lor -.-
Eileen: Lol, nope she hasn't (:
Jo: Hahahas, actually, me and my boyf
we're like always nua-ing and super bored and home,
go shopping, walk the dog together, cook together,
go swimming, do silly stuff, hahas typical couple stuff luh!
I'm dyyyyying to go overseas with him to
explore some other country!
Hey: Hahahas i'm not tall at all.
I'm only around 158cm!
But nobody believes me when i tell them that. 0.o
BoogieWoogie: Hey, my comp crashed and i lost the link! ):
Evon: Lol, yah lor. like super.. -.-
Anyway, just wanna ask,
if i open a falsies/glue spree will anybody be interested?
Most prolly would be the 10 pairs in one box kind?
Def cheaper than FEP/Bugis thou! (:
Do comment and let me know yah! (:

Btw, do check out!
They have another self-manufactured design,
and the latest collection has loooots of gorgeous pieces
My 2nd parcel from gmarket arrived last week!
I only got a cute tee, some nail polish, eyeliner and lipbalms!
Boyf bought a couple of pants and tops. lol.
it's suuuuper bling and i asked her what brand is it, blah blah
and i ordered it from gmarket!
Lol, Jess & i love aaaaaanything bling! Hehehe
I had this major fight with my mum yesterday
and it was like really really bad, i was like super super super pissed.
Being the only child, i wasn't entitled to lots of freedom
and my parents are like really really protective.
And me being ME, i really hate it when people give me like
a straight NO without listening to what i have to say,
And i cannot just back-off when they give me a lousy shit
reason behind their objection.
It's like i took like gazillion years to convince my mum,
but after she listen to some stupid things other people said to her,
then she instantly changes her mind,
which really really really suck
cos i was like so damn excited when i thought i could.
And she got really pissed with me cos i was super upset
that they are not allowing me to do what i want,
and she was like you don't wanna listen, you wanna go then go luh
in that super spiteful tone, and there was lots of shouting
and door slamming.
I'm not a rebellious kid or anything,
the thing i hate most is like quarelling with my mum,
but sometimes i feel that i have to fight for what i really want.
Like being 18, 19, even when i'm 21.
i feel like i'm not gonna have that freedom.
Sigh, i really have nth to say,
don't even wanna talk to my dad.
oh whatever!
Some of my online shopping lovin' from f21.

Went out with Nadnut the other day,
we were having lunch and catching up at a thai food place in FEP,
then we went shopping and bought sorts of silly mundane things.
Was suppose to go home,
but went to a Canon event at Ang Siang Hill,
all thanks to nadnut! :D
We were greeted with all sorts of pop-coloured camera,
Lol, i'm so superficial! But who can resist all these good looking things!

I love macarooooooons!
Looking so pretty with the camera and the edible glitter!
Hehehe, blingbling macaroons.
Lol, i keep typing CAMEROONS. -.-
What is wrong with me! hahahas

It was like really cool, we were given an 8gb SD card,
so we can play around with the cameras there,
take pictures, and actually bring home the pictures
taken there with the canon cameras!

This is one of the new-super cool functions of one of the camera,
Can you see like the lights are actually "star-shaped" ?
You can actually change it to heart, star and stuff!
Damn cute!

Is it like a face or what?
Mitchy matchy with my manicure! :D

Hehehe, jess and nadnut's coming over to my place tmr to bake!
Then i'm going for brazillian waxing
at Pink Palour with nadnut on Thursday!
Lol, i'm super excited cos i've never done waxing before,
and i've been wanting to try it for the longest time!
Sayonara, Loves!
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